Redemptoris Mater Seminary (on hold)


studioHuB architects has been engaged by the RCAV for the design of a new facility for the Redemptoris Mater Seminary (RMS), which has outgrown its current location in Vancouver. As part of the project, the site is being rezoned from residential to P1: Public and Institutional. 

The design phase included an intensive stakeholder engagement process with various sessions focused on gaining a better understanding from the RMS Building Committee what the ‘essence’ of the building should be; gaining a deeper understanding about how the Seminary is used, what types of relationships and adjacencies each programmatic space should have to one another other and the proposed sites.

The project consists of residences, a chapel, various spaces for worship and studies and a large dining hall and multipurpose room for community gatherings.

studioHuB architects has submitted for rezoning and through excellent communications with the City of Burnaby, the project is currently fast tracked. studioHuB architects is working on the design and the building permit submission is scheduled to coincide with the third reading for the rezoning.



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