City of Richmond Worksyard Upgrade Work

Since 2020, studioHub, assisted by a team of mechanical, electrical and building envelope consultants, has been working on various buildings in the municipal works yard. 

The worksyard is a large yard with numerous buildings of different ages. As the worksyard is a critical piece of infrastructure for the city, it is important that buildings and services are kept up to date and that upgrades are made before systems fail. Work is being carried out while the yard remains in operation. As the worksyard is in service 24/7, 7 days a week, the work is being phased to minimize disruption. 

The scope of work includes: feasibility studies, replacement of mechanical units, new sprinkler systems, lighting replacements, washroom upgrades, water line replacements, new ceilings, cladding and overhead door replacements and roofing repairs and upgrades. It also includes more specialized work such as new dock levelers, new data room sprinkler system, cooling tower replacement and investigations into centralizing the fire alarm systems. 

Work is currently wrapping up on Phase 1 of the construction, Phase 2 construction work is starting in spring 2022, and further Phase 3 investigation work is scheduled for later this year. 


Evans Lake Multipurpose Hall


RMS Seminary